Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is wudu valid with Nail Polish?

In the Name of Allah,

All praise is due to Allah, the owner of the day of judgement.

Anything wrong I say is from my ego, and anything good is from Allah.

"Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but try to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded." Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 38

Someone close to me asked me if nail polish need to be remvoed for wudu to be valid?

Everywhere I read it said that there is no ruling against wearing nail polish and salat is accepted with it, except the wudu will not be valid with nail polish on. I thought there must be a hadith regarding this for them to require removal of nail polish. The reason given was that water will not touch the nail when nail polish is on, because the water will not go through the polish to touch the nail.

I agree that Wudu or bath is not complete unless all areas are wet and wiped.

However, I disagree that nail polish invalidates wudu, because the same way water doesn't go through the polish the impurities doesn't either

Don't we do masah over socks and the wudu is accepted, so water touching the skin is not the requirement, if the skin underneath was purified before putting on the leather socks. So, if the woman purifies herself, and puts on nail polish, the same rules must apply.

What if one works as a worker where he paints houses, and there is a time for salat. He has paint drop all over his hair, his face, and his hands. Does he need to remove every single drop of paint so the water can touch the skin? No sane person would ask him to do that for every salat. Yes, he should try to rub his hands with soap for wudu and try to remove big chuncks as much as possible, but his wudu would be valid and salat be valid with wudu done over paints, given that he purified himself before starting.

Why is that men socks that he can remove in a jiffy is ok to massa on, but a permanent layer that won't allow dirt under it makes a person unclean? It does not.

When something is covering our skin which is afixed in a way that it doesn't allow anything pass it should not be a bearer for being clean, and performing wudu.

Following is the fatwa where the reason for allowing masah is given as that leather socks don't allow imprities to touch the skin

Similarly, nail polish is a covering that doesn't allow the impurities to enter either. Hence, it must be allowed for women to perform wudu while having nail polish.

Let us not create double standard for women, because they don't have a voice in these matters, and be extra fearful on their matters for that same exact reason. As a follower of Muhammad ibn Abdullah (PBUH) I will fight for women rights till my death.

And Allah knows best.

JazakAllah Khairin
A struggling Muslim
AbuArman (Adnan Jumani)


  1. thank you brother ...rightly said n pointed it out. religion is easy its people who makes it harder :)

    1. dont trust any information provided by anyone but only authentic and trusted sotes or SCHOLARS

  2. Wrong totally wrong
    ALL scholars have said that if anything prevents to touch water on skin or nails directly then Tahara (purification) is not valid..

    if you are putting nail colour just to make your hands attractive and there is no VALID REASON.. wudu wont be valid neither namaz..

    but if a man paints house its his means of sustances and his job to paint house and earn money he had no other way to earn.. then it can be allowed for him to do massah as he has no other option to earn

    1. AssalamuAlaykum,
      If you are following a scholar, and he or she tells you to not put nail polish, please follow that opinion.

      When something is affixed to your skin or nails, and doesn't allow dirt to go inside, or affect the purification process, it is not necessary to reach underneath it to complete wudu.

      If someone has a tatto or henna, does that person need to remove it before making wudu. No, it doesn't affect the purification process.

      Remember that these things were not prohibited in Sharia, but only were prohibited through fiqh opinion which can change with more understanding and situation. I hope that clarifies it further inshAllah.

  3. Keeping the socks on is sometimes a nessecisty when travelling and and can be very difficult to do so depending on the situation. Where as wearing nail polish is not a nessecity.

  4. AssalamuAlaykum,
    Sister, even the scholars you are referring to agree that even if keeping the socks on is not necessary, you can wipe on it. So it is not about being necessary. This argument is not valid. Let me know if you have any other comments or questions.

  5. "If you find water, then let it touch your skin, for that is good." -Narrated by Abu Daud
    I think that the skin is under the nail , so the nail itself is a barrier for the water to reach the skin under it, so the nail polish is doing as same the nail itself. why it would invalidate the wuduu if the water not reaching under nail polish?
