Saturday, February 5, 2011

Celebrating Prophet's Birthday (Milad)

In the name of Allah,

All Praise is due to Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

If I make a mistake it is from my ego, and anything good I say is from Allah.

I just came back from Isha Salat, and feel like avoided a big gathering of weirdness. It was surreal. Imam gave a long speech after Salah about everyone should either become a scholar or a student of Deen. I love the Imam from bottom of my heart, and he looked very sincere. But, Why would a lame person do that? Why would they learn deen? If they need Nikah done, they will come to the Imam. If they need a fatwa on if Talaq took place, they will ask Imam. If there is an occassion, they will ask Imam to "perform" dua.

See there is no incentive for lame person to learn deen, and it is like telling me to learn about medicine so when I get sick, I can diagnos myself and make myself healthy. Well, I am not learning medicine, and lame person is not learning about deen. Taqleed is enough for them, because all they need to know is that hands should be tied below the navel. If we remove Taqleed, people will come to deen because then it will have an attraction for them. With all answers provided, there is no motivation. Interestingly, after my recent blogs, many more took interest in the tafsir class, and it will continue, if we allow muslims to explore the deen. Ameen

I am sorry, but this was not my intended topic. What happened is that Imam told everyone that celebrating Milad (Birth day of Prophet (PBUH)) is Bid'aa meaning an innovation to the method of worship, which is a major sin. I felt really proud to be sitting there, but at the end he said something that made me think. He said that there will be dinner after rest of the salah.

Hold on a sec! I may be jumping the gun but what is the dinner for? Is that for the Milad? Finally, I realized why there were more people in the masjid. We can't condemn others for celebrating Milad, and allow the dinner to take place. At that point I knew that I had to run for the exit, because I was having hard time breathing. Suddenly the masjid became the marraige hall, and people start talking loud and laughing while others pray salah. I tried to warn them, but there were too many of them, and I was alone.

Celebrating Milad is the symptom of a cancer that has been spread among muslims. Since a person is discouraged from questioning the evidence and validity of the opinions formed by some scholars, common person blindly follow (Taqleed) what scholar would tell them to be permissible. It is like spreading honey on the floor intentionally, and then try to wave the flies off.

Muslims are not doing Milad because they want to do shrik, and worship Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In fact, Chrstians don't do shirk because they want to associate partner with God. They do it, because the Priest told them it is the truth. Similarly, "Mawlwis" would announce that it is a blessing to attribute siffat of Allah with Muhammad (PBUH) a human.

Actually, the scholars are not to be blamed either, because their hands are tied, because Taqleed asks them to not challenge anything unless they have reached the highest level of Ijtihad. Excuse me! but that is an impossible status to reach. Oh I see. That is the plan. Hence, the story of four brothers continues, and Milad continues, sajda on grave continues.

Here is a thought. Challenge Everything! Whenever you don't agree with your Imam, ask him for proof. Whenever you are ask to follow a method, ask for proof. Whenever someone asks to do dinner in Masjid on 10 Rabialawwal, say No.

I will let these great scholars of deen provide the proof against Milad, as I am just a common person who unfortunately has opened his eyes during a global slumber. Going back to sleep now...

Shaikh Bin Baaz

Mufti Taqi Uthmani

JazakAllah Khairin
Definately a non-scholar, and proud to be one,
AbuArman (Adnan Jumani)

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