Friday, October 29, 2010

Its time for action!

In the name of Allah,

All praise is due to Allah, the Creator, the Sustainer.

"Those who hearken to their Lord, and establish regular Prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual Consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for Sustenance;" (Quran 42:38)
I know many of you don't live in Orlando, but you are welcome to help in what I am about to say.
I live on Winter Garden Vineland Rd (CR 535) which is one of the two roads in disney area. We have a wonderful Masjid at S. Apopka-Vineland Rd (SR 535), which is one of the best Masajid in the USA. It has been , and will be our main Masjid for years to come, InshaAllah.

I have been torn apart by the distance of the Masjid from my home, because if I go for Asar, I could stay there for Maghrib, and then I could stay uptil I'sha as well. However, my family feels deprive of my presence, and I remember the command of Prophet (PBUH) to keep the family happy.

If I go back home, it is very difficult to drive back for next prayer time. So, it is pretty clear what i am trying to say here. It has been very difficult to pray in Jamah. I pray in Jamah with my family at home sometimes, but sometimes I would like to pray in Jamah with more people.

Now, there are many Muslims who live on this side of the town, and some are very dedicated to Islam. I have noticed that some of them have not gone to Masjid for months, and I am sure they are trying to, but the distance makes it harder, may be.

I have an idea to establish a Musallah (not a masjid) on Winter Garden Vineland Rd (CR 535). I have looked around for space and there may be opportunities there. I have spoken to some neighbours in recent days, and they have shown similar feelings.

In the tradition of Prophet (PBUH), I would like to seek advice on whether this is needed, or not. Any advice will be helpful.

I know there are two Imams of two Masajid in the area on this email thread, and this could be a great opportunity to motivate more Muslims towards community. I have no desire to be part of leadership of anything, so any of the Masjid can head this. However, if there is no interest, we locals have to do something.

If you are in the similar situation as I am, please reply to me to participate. If there is already a similar plan in progress, please let me know, and I would like to help progress it faster.

We can meet for our first Mushwara on December 3, 2010 at a location to be decided later, if there is response.

One brother liked this idea so much that he suggested to buy the Church in fornt of my home and convert into a masjid. I admire his entusiasm, but thats not required I think. Not yet atleast. I love the location though.

Goal is to provide a clean and peaceful place for people to pray in congregation.

Again, please contact me with your contact information. Forward this to anyone you think is affected by this.

Adnan Jumani

This is the time to act, if you think this is worthy cause.

May Allah help us make the right decision.

JazakAllah Khairin
A struggling Muslim

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